Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Matthew 28:19 ~ NKJV

To be a Christ-Centered Church that provides a full range of charitable, educational, religious, and community development activities that inspire people to positively transform their lives.
To be a Christ-Centered Church that provides a full range of charitable, educational, religious, and community development activities that inspire people to positively transform their lives.
To (EMPOWER) God's people to make a difference in the lives of others by following the examples of Jesus Christ.
To (EDUCATE) God’s people through Bible Study teachings, Seminars and Workshops with the purpose of igniting their God-given gifts to accomplish God's purpose for their lives.
To (EQUIP) God’s people with tools to become effective at teaching, preaching, and sharing God’s Word, (the Holy Bible), through life application, social media outlets and other creative avenues.
To (EMPOWER) God's people to make a difference in the lives of others by following the examples of Jesus Christ.
To (EDUCATE) God’s people through Bible Study teachings, Seminars and Workshops with the purpose of igniting their God-given gifts to accomplish God's purpose for their lives.
To (EQUIP) God’s people with tools to become effective at teaching, preaching, and sharing God’s Word, (the Holy Bible), through life application, social media outlets and other creative avenues.